Category - Recap

A letter of thanks to the Perth Tango Community
22nd December, 2014
Dear Tangueros y Tangueras,As 2014 closes in and we head toward Christmas and into 2015, Mi Serenata Tango, takes time to reflect on the year and to what lies ahead for 2015.2014 was …
2014… the year that was
17th December, 2014
2014… the year that wasJanuary, February & March the year begun with our inaugural High Tea at the Empire Dance Studio; due to publi…

Recap: Pink Ribbon Fundraising Milonga October 2014
13th November, 2014
Thank u to the Perth Tango community for your generosity, added donations, spirit, enthusiasm and support in making our Pink Ribbon Milonga such a special, heartwarming and successful night. …

2013 the way it was…
12th December, 2013
Dear Tangueros y Tangueras, As 2013 closes in and we head toward Christmas and into 2014, we at Mi Serenata Tango, are looking back at the year and looking forward to what lies in stor…